What’s New in CST Studio Suite 2023?
CST Studio Suite 2023 is the latest version of the Dassault Systèmes 3D electromagnetic (EM) analysis software used for designing, analyzing, and optimizing electromagnetic components and systems. It’s packed with new features and enhancements that make your design, analysis, and optimization of electromagnetic systems and components faster, easier, and more productive.
If you’re still using an older version of CST Studio Suite, upgrading to this latest release brings increased versatility and performance in modeling, meshing and solver technologies.
New CST Studio Suite Release Highlights
- There is a new EMC Wizard which is a major workflow improvement. In addition to this, when importing a PCB – RLC components can now be automatically added to the Schematic window of CST.
- The antenna array task also has multiple workflow improvements.
- The Opera Magnetostatic solver is now available in CST.
- The user interface in CST Studio Suite has been improved with a cosmetic upgrade to the ribbon layout and adoption of the 3DEXPERIENCE color theme.
Watch the SIMULIA Tech Talk to get all the information on the update.
2023 Release Notes
Advanced Modeling, Schematic and Post-processing
- Advanced Modeling and Post-Processing
- Bio Electromagnetism
- 5G Post-Processing
Antenna and Microwave Component Design
- Antenna Array Design
- Antenna Placement, Hybrid Solutions
- Filter Design Automation
- Non-parametric Optimization for HF Applications
- Printed Circuit Board
- DDR4 Wizard
- Signal Integrity Update, IBIS, IBIS AMI
- Python language support
- Electronic cooling
- Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Semiconductor Devices, Drift-Diffusion
Communication and Detection
- High Frequency Solver Technology Enhancements
- High Performance Computing
- Radar Response Analysis
- Channel Impulse Response
- Ray Based F-Parameter Calculation, Ray Filtering and Export
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference (EMC/EMI)
- The new EMC workflow “button” and project templates
- New EMC models in the component library and training examples
- The EMI receiver
- Improved sampling in the complete emission workflow
- Cables/wire Harness, Partial RLC (pRLC) and Frequency Domain solver news
Electrical Machine and Low Frequency Applications
- Common installer for CST Studio Suite and Opera
- New workflow for Magnetostatic Analyses
- Simplified Electrical Machine Simulation Setup
- Simulation of Induction Machines
- Non-parametric Optimization of Electrical Machines
SIMULIA Electromagnetics Portfolio on 3DEXPERIENCE
- Connecting Data and Process on 3DEXPERIENCE
- Cloud Computing and Cloud Frontend
- Electromagnetics Engineer | What’s New
- Web-based Results Visualization
- CST Studio Suite 2023 Portfolio Update